Pattern Highlight: Camas

Pattern Highlight: Camas

Can I tell you a story? 


I spent the majority of my 20's and early 30's working as an instructor and a guide throughout the Rocky Mountains, Cascades and Alaska but no season will ever compare to my first summer working with youth....

I was with a group of girls in rural Montana who decided to gather a bunch of wild onions to eat and cook with. What a great idea, right?!  Let's just say, make sure you identify your plants... it turned out that those "wild onions" were actually DEATH CAMAS!!!! Everyone was fine, but what a great and difficult lesson to learn about working with youth and plant identification. Forever on, camas will hold a unique place in my heart. 


Don't worry this pattern is not of death camas, but its more gentle cousin, wild camas. But I wouldn't plan on going out and harvesting it, just to be safe :). 


 Check out the Pattern: Camas

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